Información general
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Superficie utilizada (en HA)
Superficie en la que deseas plantar eucaliptos
El equipo de atención de Fomento Forestal de Paracel está disponible en estos canales:



It is a program born from the need to increase the availability of wood for raw material at a national level and with the social commitment to provide a business alternative for producers in Paracel’s area of influence.

  1. Income generation and diversification of activities for producers, producers, institutions or organizations interested in making their economy more viable through the planting of eucalyptus trees.
  2. To complement their current forestry production activities.
  3. Offer a new economic activity.
  4. Availability of raw material for the future factory.
  5. Encourage the adoption of production systems under environmental and socioeconomic balance consisting of sustainability principles.
  6. Growth of the local economy in the direct radius and indirectly to the country with growth of existing businesses and creation of new ones.
  7. Guidance for producers, producers, institutions or rural organizations to obtain certifications such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council).
  8. Stimulate climate regulation through planting, since trees absorb CO2 (carbon dioxide) and transform it into raw material for their growth.
  9. Development of forest services.

Fomento Forestal focuses on income generation and diversification of the activities of producers, institutions or organizations, making their economy more viable through the planting of eucalyptus trees in the systems that best suit them, such as Silvopastoral System and Net Forest System, complementing the traditional activities of the region and ensuring the existence of raw material for the industry.

The area of influence is 200 km from the mill, located in Zapatero Cué, Paso Horqueta district, about 30 km from the city of Concepción. This area covers the departments of Concepción, San Pedro and Amambay.

A. Initial contact

It can be from each producer, organization or institution interested to Paracel or vice versa, where the first guidelines are established in broad strokes and maps are requested in digital or physical format of the establishment and the area of interest to be used for plantations.

B. Technical visit

The objective is to get to know the property and the area of interest in order to carry out a primary evaluation of soil suitability, road conditions and access.

C. Office

Once the information on the property is available, Paracel requests a report from the company’s Geoprocessing area, which analyzes whether there are environmental liabilities and establishes the areas where they can be planted and the legal reserve area.

D. Submission of documents

At this stage the institutions, organizations or interested persons must provide the pertinent documentation to Paracel’s technical team:

– Copy of the property title.

– Licenses.

– Other documents.

E. Negotiations

In this phase the parties agree on the technical, commercial and legal conditions.

F. Contract signing

Once the actual project area has been established and negotiations have been completed, the contract for the plantations is signed.

  1. NET FORESTRY (PURE): the entire area of the plot is occupied by forest plantations.
  2. SILVOPASTORIL: livestock and forestry integration.

Diversification is a way to protect against damage caused by pests, climate change and falling prices. To guarantee income and be less vulnerable to unforeseen events, it is important to invest in the cultivation of a variety of crops.

At Paracel, we guarantee price per cubic meter, which will be adjusted at the time of harvest according to the consumer price index that reflects year-on-year inflation as published by the US Central Bank in its inflation reports.

Title to the property.

Documentation of the owners.

Forest plantation project approved by INFONA.

Compliance with environmental and social regulations.

●        Law N° 6676/20 (Zero deforestation).

●        Law N° 422/73 “Forestal”.

●        Law N° 294/93 EIA.

●        Decree 1039/18 (Indigenous peoples).

●        FSC Certification.


Eucalyptus species clones previously designated by Paracel’s technical team will be used.

The wood from the plantations of the Forestry Promotion Program will be destined to Paracel’s industrial plant as raw material.

They are those that take care of the environment and favor the social and economic development of their area of influence. At Paracel we require the FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) Forest Certification.

Interested individuals, organizations or institutions must adapt their business to the principles and criteria of forest management certification, which guarantees that forest management is ecologically appropriate, socially fair and economically viable, in compliance with all applicable laws. Paracel will guide and follow up with this process.

No. Depending on the type of association, institution, owner and/or owner can carry out the plantation and even the forest management with their own resources, as long as they comply with Paracel’s technical, socio-environmental and legal requirements.

The technical team will make periodic visits from the implantation and during the growth of the plantations. In the same way, the owner can contact Paracel’s team for any doubt, consultation or advice he/she may need.

– Must allow the access of Paracel’s technicians and technicians to the property.

– Follow the technical guidelines.

– Perform periodic maintenance in their forest areas.

– Control ants, invasive plants and fires to guarantee the expected quality and productivity.

Yes, the minimum plantation area is 500 hectares concentrated in a single site.

There are two contract modalities:

The first is called Standing Timber, where Paracel is responsible for harvesting and transporting the wood from the property of the person or institution participating in the Program to the industrial plant.

And the modality Put in Factory, where the person or institution that participates in the Program is responsible for the harvesting and transportation of the wood without bark to Paracel’s industrial plant.


– Current lumber price is US$ 18 /m³, with bark, with annual correction based on dollar inflation.


Paracel does not have this service. However, there are forestry credits from development agencies that are disbursed through local commercial banks.

Once the pre-harvest inventory is completed in the case of standing timber contracting or the timber is received at the industrial plant. In the case of contracting of Timber Put in Factory, payment is made as agreed in the contract.

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